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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Walgreens trip, round 2

Above is my second Walgreens haul of the day.  This would never have happened had I gotten my act together and realized the deal to be had on my first trip this afternoon, but it's really not a big deal because there is a Walgreens right by Chloe's class.  The baby was at the babysitter's since my husband had duty this evening and couldn't go with me, so the whole 5 minute shopping trip was actually a nice treat.  I love my little princess to pieces, but it feels so good to be able to walk into a Walgreens or CVS without lugging a car seat or a squirmy baby. 

I had my reservations about going to this Walgreens, since it is the Walgreens from hell, but thankfully I did not have any issues today.  And rightfully so, considering my transaction could not get any simpler:

Buy 2 Glade Plugins Scented Gel Warmer ($1.99 each): $3.98
Buy 2 Glade Plugins refills ($1.99 each): $3.98
Subtotal: $7.96
Use B1G1 Warmer coupon (-$1.99)
Use 2 $1/1 Glade refill peelie (-$2.00)
Grand Total: $3.97 + $0.56 tax = $4.53
Rebates: $4 from #28 (limit of 10, current count 7)
OOP after rebates: $0.53 (tax)

As a deal-seeker, I often see things that are "free" after coupons, but it's important to remember that you still have to pay tax.  $0.53 is not going to break the piggy bank and everything comes out to $0.13 each, which is a superb deal, but a penny is a penny is a penny.  Don't forget that I actually paid $4.53 OOP and won't be getting my $4 back until the end of the month.  I'll be putting that on my Walgreens giftcard and will get the 10% bonus to cover my tax expenses, but it's important to remember that you are still paying money up front for all this "free" stuff. 

Think of it as an investment of your money, rather than plain old free. 

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