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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things I love Thursday: my hubby!

This Sunday is our 3-year anniversary. Not our wedding anniversary, but our first-date anniversary. Sort of. We made it up. We barely knew each other existed one minute, and the next we were together 24/7, so by the time we realized that we were an actual couple and that actual couples have anniversaries, we had both forgotten which day we "got together". So we guesstimated October 5th. We got married in a civil ceremony, so in many ways this anniversary is more important to me than our wedding anniversary. The "wedding" date was just a random date that worked into our schedules, since at the time I was finishing up school in California and he was stationed in South Carolina. We just picked a convenient date where holidays collided and we had the time to hop into court, so our October 5th anniversary holds a lot more meaning to me than our "wedding" anniversary. In case you haven't caught on by now, this week's Things Person I Love Thursday is dedicated to my wonderful husband!

Things I love about my husband
  • He's a wonderful father...better than I could ever have hoped or imagined. He does everything with her and isn't picky on tasks. He has no problem changing diapers or cleaning up spit-up. He plays with her constantly and he's just a great dad. And not only to the baby, but to the fur-babies as well.
  • And he puts up with my obsession with my dogs. We adopted them together, but he's said on many occasions that if it was up to him they would be outside in the doghouse, instead of lounging in their very own room in the house with a closet full of sweatshirts and a pit of toys.
  • He helps out around the house, even after a 14 hour workday. He wakes up at 4am and comes home at 6pm, but if I ask him to cook dinner or do laundry or vacuum, he will.
  • I love that he's so laid-back. Sometimes it drives me crazy because he's so casual about everything, but I'm so hot-blooded and quick-to-anger that he balances me out completely.
  • He is so tolerant and flexible. He lets me have my way (to an extent) and puts up with my temper tantrums. He's so tolerant (maybe too much) about work too, and does so much that he really doesn't (and shouldn't) have to.
  • And speaking of work...he's a great man to be making such a sacrifice and doing the job that he does. One of the main reasons he chose the Navy as a career was so he could provide for us and I can stay at home. As a result, he gets next to no say over the majority of his day-to-day life.
I could go on and on, but those are just some things that pop to mind. We're by no means perfect - we have our share of ugly fights, but the important thing is that we always make up. And on the nights that we really don't want to make up, our common "loves" bring us back together - in the beginning it was the two mutts, and now it's the little princess (but we don't love you any less, Chloe and Chip!).

We've had a turbulent 3 years together and we've survived many trials, but there'll definitely be many more tests and fights to come along. We haven't even been through the first "business trip" yet...! Couples have songs, or special places...we have a quote: "As long as we're together, the rest will fall in place", and in the roughest patch(es) of our relationship that has kept us going when nothing else would.

We can't control the future, we can't control other people's actions...hell, we can barely control our own. We just need to trust in our love and put that first above all else, because nothing matters more than each other.


Anonymous said...

That was so sweet. He is just as lucky to have you as his wife. Your words show your love and devotion to him.

Happy Anniversary for Sunday!

Brooke said...

congrats!!! :)

we can easily remember ours because it was Friday the 13th (of October).

thediaperdiaries said...

I love that quote. The committment to be together is where it starts. No matter what.

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