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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kmart Double Coupon Madness

Kmart is doubling coupons until Sunday!  We're not talking about little $0.25 coupons either...they're doubling coupons with up to $2 face value!  Our local Kmart is on the participating store list, but according to their national customer service every store will honor the promotion as long as you bring a printed ad.  Here is an ad scan courtesy of Common Sense with Money.  If for whatever reason they refuse to, call customer service back with the store number and they will call the store on your behalf. 

I'm planning to go out tomorrow morning to take advantage of the steals deals.  Normally I like to make a complete list of what I'll be getting, how much it'll cost, and what coupons I'll use, simply because I'm not a fan of sitting in an aisle looking for coupon match-ups.  I also have to get out of the store before my 5 month old (today's her 5-month old birthday!) decides to have a melt-down.  However, I'm making an exception for Kmart. 

I went through my entire coupon box and pulled out the most likely candidates for being free or close to free after doubled coupons.  Here is a list of the coupons that I'm taking to Kmart tomorrow.  I will be sure to report back so you can run out over the weekend to repeat the deal yourself!

This is the format that I'm using: Product (face value of coupon) --> Doubled coupon amount!  Unless otherwise stated, all coupons are $/1.

Herbal Essences 700+ml ($2.00) --> $4.00
Pert Plus 25.4oz ($2.00) --> $4.00
Pert Plus any ($1.50) --> $3.00
Kotex any ($1.00) --> $2.00
Gilette shampoo/conditioner ($2.00) --> $4.00
NatureMade vitamins ($1.00) --> $2.00
Vaseline Men 200ml ($1.50) --> $3.00
Aveeno facial product ($1.50) --> $3.00
Tampax Compak Pearl ($1.50) --> $3.00
Schick Disposable razor ($2.00) --> $4.00
Cascade complete ($1.50) --> $3.00
Pedigree Good Bites ($1.50) --> $3.00
Dreft any ($2.00) --> $4.00
Johnson's Nursing Pads ($1.00) --> $2.00 This probably won't be close to free, but I need it and they rarely go on sale so I'm going to take advantage of the doubled coupon.

This is also a great chance to buy any freebates items that you have a coupon for.  Since you get the full retail value back from the rebate, your coupons will make it a money-maker!  I'm getting these freebates tomorrow:

Physicians Formula: marked try me free, CoverToxTen Wrinkle Therapy Foundation OR Brow-Tweez 3-in-1 Tweezer - Brow Pencil - Shaper ($1.00) --> $2.00
Zout Stain Remover ($0.55) --> $1.10
Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheat Blueberry Muffin ($1.00) --> $2.00
Orajel $1.50 rebate ($0.75) --> $1.50
Sure with Natural Extracts deodorant ($1.00) --> $2.00

Don't forget to get a separate receipt for each one since they all require an original cash register receipt!  There's also a $5/$20 Walgreens coupon good for tomorrow and Saturday, and since Walgreens is right down the street from Kmart, I will be stopping by tomorrow as well!  Stay tuned for my Walgreens post! 

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