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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Inbox Dollars: $3.51 to go!

Two days ago I started an account at Inbox Dollars to see how quickly I can reach the $30 payout mark. Well, I am currently sitting at $26.49 with only $3.51 to go until I can get a check! I am beyond excited about this, because $30 can go a long way in this family. My original goal was to reach the $30 payout amount in a month, so if I can just get one check per month, that $30 should be enough to cover my deal-seeking (read:CVS/Walgreens) expenses for that month.

I think that in the future it'll get a lot harder to make money simply because I've already done the good offers, and I can see how slow and tedious it can be if you don't take a risk and sign up for the free trials. So far, the majority of my money comes from Cash Offers (totaling $19.35).

I also have a $5 sign-up bonus. I've only done 4 surveys at $0.50 each, and I've only received 7 emails at $0.02 each. The cash really lies in signing up for offers. If you relied solely on emails to get you to the $30, you would have to read 1500 emails. I'm only getting an average of 2.5 emails a day, so it would be a whopping 600 days until I would be able to get a check! Surveys pay more, but they are hard to qualify for and in my opinion takes too much time. They might be alright to do as you're watching TV or something - I only do them when I'm nursing my daughter. To reach the $30 payout mark by doing surveys only, you'll have to do 600 surveys. It's basically impossible unless you do the cash offers.

I'm going to call Triple Advantage ($10) and Stamps.com ($5) on Monday to cancel my free trial - I will be sure to let you know how the process goes.

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