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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Petsmart trip!

Earlier today I shared with you three Petsmart $/$$ coupons that is good until Sunday.  Well, this evening I headed out with the two mutts to take advantage of this deal.  Here is what we ended up getting:

1 Eukanuba Naturally Wild 30lb dog food: $45.99
1 Beneful Snacking Slices: $5.49
Subtotal: $51.48
Use $15/$50 Petsmart coupon (-$15.00)
Use $5/1 Eukanuba Naturally Wild coupon (-$5.00)
Use $2/2 Beneful Snacking Slices coupon (-$2.00)
Grand Total: $29.48 + $4.91 tax = $31.77

I could have used the $10/$40 coupon as well, but that really would not have decreased my OOP considering my total before tax would then be $30, and right now my grand total is $31.  Essentially, I got a $45 bag of dog food for $30 and a free bag of snacks. 

Chloe and Chip were on Nutro Natural Choice before this, but Eukanuba is pretty similar in quality so I don't feel bad switching them over.  If you're considering switching your dog's food, make sure you do it gradually.  I store their food in a trashcan, so what I do is get a big trash-bag and pour out their existing food.  Then I empty the bag of new food into the trash can, and pour the trash-bag food back on top.  Give it a couple good shakes, and now it's an automatically gradual switch.

Depending on the clerk that you have and your store, you may be able to use an expired Petsmart coupon.  If you're lucky enough to have one of these stores near you, you could repeat this deal every single time you need to buy food, considering Eukanuba sends you 6 $5 coupons.

In other news, we took the puppies with us since it's been a while that they've been to Petsmart, and I am very happy to say that Chloe's training is paying off. Normally she tears my arm off trying to meet and greet all the other puppies, but today was different.  She obeyed every single one of my commands, and even sat automatically whenever I stopped.  My psycho hyper-energetic little puppy is growing up into a well-behaved dog!  Her brother, on the other hand, was a different story...we even had a little episode where he jumped out of the shopping cart.  He's up for training next - just don't tell him that!

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