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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October Mid-month Budget Roundup

I can't believe half of October is gone already!  Where did it go?!   Last I checked we were still in September!  We're not doing too great for October, but I actually expected that.  Our anniversary was earlier this month, so there was a lot of unexpected over-budget spending, mostly on my husband's part.  You do not even want to know how much my spa trip cost - let's just say it was enough for 2 months of groceries, and then some.

I'm not advocating over-spending on anniversaries, but I'm not beating myself up too much over this one.  It's once-a-year thing, and most likely he'll be at sea for our next anniversary.  It is a special day, and it's important that we celebrate it.  Besides, it's really really REALLY hard to yell at someone for sending you to the spa all day.

I made a couple of changes to our budget this month - most notably adding on $70 in my daughter's category to account for the Gymboree membership.  It's money well spent.  I also added a new category to the doggie category - that being a "training" fund.  Chloe's class will be over in 2 weeks, but we've made the decision to start Chip on a basic obedience class.  He won't go as far as Chloe since a 12lb guard dog is a joke, but we feel that it's important for him to have at least the basics.  Chip also has a lot of issues (he's been attacked by a coyote, and that's just the tip of the iceberg), but after working with this trainer, we feel comfortable enough to trust her with our precious little Chippy boy.

We also had some unexpected income - which includes my husband's yearly clothing bonus.  It's bigger than we expected, which is nice.  He'll be able to replace some old shirts now.  As far as rebates go, so far I've received $17.10 ($11.10 from ebates, and $6 from the Caregivers Marketplace).  I also made $45 selling some old furniture on craigslist.  When I first started budgeting, I never expected to have that much bonus income.  But in just half the month I've made $62 - that's nearly enough to pay for Gymboree!

So, long story short...we went WAY overbudget so far because of our annivesary, but it's something that I'm not stressing about.  It's important to let go of the reins every once in a while and just ENJOY the Precious Pennies we've been working so hard to save.

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