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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Babies r Us $5/$25

If only CVS could follow Babies r Us' new trend of issuing a $5/$25 every weekend!  Yes, there's yet ANOTHER $5/$25 good for this weekend.  The regular old restrictions apply (no diapers, formulas, gift cards...etc.). 

Babies r Us is also giving out coupon booklets at their registers.  Depending on your store, you might not even need to make a purchase - just go up and ask for one.  There's two 20% off any one baby item in there, which can prove to be mighty useful.  The coupon states that it can't be used on prior purchases, but as I found out this depends on your store. 

We bought this baby entertainment center for our little princess 2 weeks ago, and when I bought it the clerk tried to use the 20% off coupon even though it said it was valid 9/19 thru 9/25.  She then said that I can just bring it back along with the receipt to get my $12 back.  We would have been content to wait 2 weeks to buy it, but the problem was that no one could guarantee that the entertainment center would still be in stock then.  Babies r Us carried the same thing, but theirs mysteriously disappeared and I didn't want to run into the same issue with Toys r Us.  So the manager said to just buy it and come back for my money.  And if they won't give me my money back, I'll just purchase a new one with the 20% off coupon, and then return it in the same breath with the old receipt.

You know you've been screwed over by stores one too many times when you walk-in with a back-up plan...

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