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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mailbox of Goodies: the early edition

UPDATE: I've added on my Mailbox of Goodies for the day - nothing too exciting, just a whole bunch of coupons.  The most "exciting" piece of mail is a letter from Sears Portrait Studio giving me 3 free portrait sheets in exchange for being more than a week late with my pictures.  Not too exciting, considering I would much rather have my pictures than give them another opportunity to screw up.

Today is Wednesday, a.k.a. Chloe class day. Chloe class days are extremely hectic because we're always in a rush to eat dinner and get out the door. My husband comes home around 6:30pm, and we have to be there at 7:45pm.

Except this Wednesday is even MORE hectic, because my husband has duty and won't be able to go with us. Which means the baby will have to go to the babysitter, and to give you an idea of what a world-ending event this is...she is never away from me. I think she's been without me for a total of 6 hours since she was born. She's been there once before, so maybe it'll be better this time.

And it just gets better...because I have three doctor's appointments (2 shots and 1 actual appointment) this afternoon, along with a couple of errands to run. And it's raining too. And Chloe is a rain-phobic dog who outright refuses to go into the rain for anything - food, potty, toys...if it's raining, she ain't going out.

Mail has not been delivered yet, but at the rate that I'm going I might not have a chance to go through my mail until 10pm tonight, but I wanted to let you all know so you don't think that I abandoned you or my Mailbox. When I get a chance after mail is delivered, I'll add my goodies on. So for now, feast on your freebies and utter a quick prayer for my sanity today.

It's not a superb day for freebies, but here is a Snuggle Fabric Softener Bundle that promises to be a good find.

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