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I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Aloha Friday: Halloween!

I Aloha Friday.  The image and whole concept of one simple question to round out the week is just so relaxing to me.  Since Halloween is creeping up and everywhere I look I just see Halloween-related things, I want to ask this question today:

Do you celebrate Halloween?

Halloween, as far as I can tell, is a USA thing.  And I didn't grow up in the USA.  My first Halloween was at age 10, and the whole thing was just weird to me.  I didn't quite get it, but there was free candy to be had so I didn't complain. 

Now that I'm older and not going cuckoo over free candy (you never get good candy anyway), I'm not sure I'm a fan of Halloween and don't really see a point in celebrating it.  It feels weird to see people deck out their houses and lawns with decorations and inflatables as if it's Christmas turned spooky and 2 months early. 

I know it's a tradition (I've heard the lecture from my husband, thankyouverymuch), but I don't see a need to go a-knocking on every door in a 3-block radius.  Going to Auntie Sue and Uncle Bob's house I'm okay with, but a stranger's door?  Not so cool with me.

We're not planning to celebrate this Halloween.  I took the baby in Halloween pictures, and sent out Halloween photo cards to relatives, but beyond that I'm so over and done with Halloween.  I'm planning to either leave the house on Halloween night, or post a note that says "NO TRICK OR TREATERS" on the door, because I don't think I can deal with the doorbell ringing or the door being knocked on every 2 minutes while I'm trying to get a baby to take a nap. 

Is there a Halloween version of Ebenezer Scrooge?  Anyone?


Tara said...

Growing up, I think we celebrated maybe once.. but then my parents decided we would no longer celebrate the day, due to the meaning and origin. So I guess I am carrying on the tradition with my kids. Even though I think all the little costumes and candy are so fun. I just hate the darkness of the holiday!

seesawstar said...

I would rather celebrate it in its original form than this new Hallmark form. At least then it means something. "Go forth and be greedy candy monsters" just doesn't sit too well with me.

Jennifer said...

Yes, we celebrate Halloween. :)

Happy Aloha friday!

Candace said...

I use to love Halloween when I was growing up. Now it just seems different. It is much scarier than it use to be. Our family celebrates by going to our church for our fall festival. It is held Halloween night and kids still get candy and stuff. It is much more fun hanging out with friends and playing games then walking door to door.

sheila said...

Nobody should be knocking on your door if your porch/front light is OFF. That's like the #1 rule! lol.

We celebrated more when the kids were small. Now that they are in their teens...if they care less, I care less.

seesawstar said...

Believe it or not, I have no control over our porch light. It just comes on automatically. So short to getting the cover off (which we don't know how to do ) and unscrewing the light bulb, that won't work.

Yes, I know, weird house. Don't get me started on my concrete wall.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Growing up I dressed up and went out with neighbors trick-or-treating. I think that lasted until I was in 3rd grade. At that point my parents started to bribe us to stay in and be safe. I never liked it much and had no issue.

As a teacher/mother I look at it as a fun day to be a kid at heart and have fun dressing up. With that said I am not looking forward to it this year. My husband is going to be away and I will be with both of our boys.

Dee said...

Well...we go trick-or-treating! LOL..thats about as far as it goes! We dont really decorate(I do have a pumpkin outside) or anything else though!

docemdy said...

Halloween's not that big in the Philippines when I was growing up. It has picked up over the years and some kids dress up and got to parties where they do trick or treat.

Gem said...

Yes, we celebrate halloween! Can't wait =)

The Farmer Files said...

I LOVE Halloween in Hawaii. It is very family friendly. Whole families get together, pop open their garage, get take out, and give out candy. Sometimes they have booths set up in people's driveways with games and contests. It is very different, at least in my neighborhood, than mainland USA. I grew up in San Diego, and come from a Mexican family. We also celebrated Dia de Los Muertos, which is a satire on death, and has Catholic origins. (I am not Catholic.) Now THAT SCARED ME TO DEATH WHEN I WAS LITTLE. Where did you grow up?

The Farmer Files said...

Yes, but Halloween in Hawaii is very different than in mainland USA. It is very family friendly. In our subdivision families pop open their garage doors, get take out for large extended families, and generously hand out much candy, coloring books, prizes, goody bags, etc. People are very generous! Also, some people set up little carnivals and booths in their driveways with prizes. We also go to a trunk or treat at a local church that has a carnival. My kids can hit 40 cars and get candy within ten minutes.

Johanna B said...

Yes, we celebrate Halloween. I take my daughter to a nursing home. The kids get to Trick-or-Treat door-to-door and the older folks get to see the kids in costumes. It works out well for both groups and it is safe. They decorate and even have a Haunted Hallway.

Tim said...

I only celebrate Halloween by eating all the candy I can get my teeth into. :)

Ace said...

I personally do not celebrate halloween. There's no religious reason or anything like that; I just think it's kind of pointless. I actually quit doing halloween around the time you did your first one. I don't like dressing up, and I ended up throwing out most of the candy I got because it wouldn't get eaten by me or my mom (and I got good candy). I don't have a particularly big sweet tooth towards candy.

I haven't looked back at this decision although I am surprised at my generation's fantatical celebration of the holiday. My colleagues in grad school have been planning events for months now, brewing beer and making costumes for the event. This, I just don't understand.

PMKU said...

We sure do! It's all about the costumes. We have fun with it.

Cathi said...

I love love love Halloween. I always have. When my kids were growing up we had a Halloween party every year. It was tradition and now I'm doing it for my grandchildren. We have a trunk or treat night at our church where the kids treak or treat to cars set up in the parking lot. People go all out and decorate their cars and give out awesome candy or other treats. We have great fun with costumes and decorating the house. It is all a matter of preference though and I know many people who don't care for Halloween. For me it's all about dressing up and having fun with it.

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