Above is my Mailbox of Goodies for the day, and as you can see I got myself a LOAD of coupons. They're my prizes from all of the giveaways that I have been wining! I am the type of person that never wins anything, so when I entered the gizillion giveaways around the blogosphere, I never to win anything at all. And instead I find my mailbox overfilled with coupons!
But quickly now, let me share with you the one freebie that I received by UPS. Yes, my Neocate Sample came by UPS. It took less than week for me to receive mine, so you should go and request yours today to put more goodies in your mailbox!
And you know what else you can do to beef up your own Mailbox of Goodies? You can get $100 in coupons and a personalized surprise! I have been so blessed with such a wonderful Mailbox this week that I want to spread the love. Yup, it's time for My Precious Pennies' FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!
I have been cleaning out my coupon album, and I have decided to pass on some coupons that we will never use. They're not junk mind you, it's just now that we menu plan, we very rarely buy food items that have matching coupons. And I refuse to spend money on "snack" foods that aren't fruit, so we end up not using a LOT of food coupons. Not to mention there are tons of coupons that we just don't have a need for, like pull-ups. This is a truly mixed batch, because I just pulled out my trusty calculator and kept adding until I reached $100 of coupons. And I might even throw in a little non-coupon related surprise in there too.
So how do you win this awesome prize? You can get four possible entries, and please leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry:
But quickly now, let me share with you the one freebie that I received by UPS. Yes, my Neocate Sample came by UPS. It took less than week for me to receive mine, so you should go and request yours today to put more goodies in your mailbox!
And you know what else you can do to beef up your own Mailbox of Goodies? You can get $100 in coupons and a personalized surprise! I have been so blessed with such a wonderful Mailbox this week that I want to spread the love. Yup, it's time for My Precious Pennies' FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!
I have been cleaning out my coupon album, and I have decided to pass on some coupons that we will never use. They're not junk mind you, it's just now that we menu plan, we very rarely buy food items that have matching coupons. And I refuse to spend money on "snack" foods that aren't fruit, so we end up not using a LOT of food coupons. Not to mention there are tons of coupons that we just don't have a need for, like pull-ups. This is a truly mixed batch, because I just pulled out my trusty calculator and kept adding until I reached $100 of coupons. And I might even throw in a little non-coupon related surprise in there too.
So how do you win this awesome prize? You can get four possible entries, and please leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry:
- Leave a comment with a description of your best Mailbox of Goodies.
- Post about this giveaway on your blog and leave the permalink.
- Subscribe to My Precious Pennies, or let me know if you've already subscribed. Make sure you leave the email address that you subscribed under.
- Take my button here and post it on your blog.
You have until Sunday 08/31/08 10am CST Tuesday 09/02/08 6pm CST to enter. I will announce a winner later that day here. I'm not going to be messing with emails or trying to track you down...the winner is responsible for checking back here and contacting me within 48 hours, or I will rinse and repeat the process and draw a new winner.
Good luck to all!!!
Good luck to all!!!
Please enter me in this giveaway. I just stumbled upon your blog by way of Thrifty Jinxy and have really enjoyed looking it over. I am hopping on the penny pinching train so wish me luck. I will use your savings advice in my ventures.
I just subscribed to your blog. I look forward to more frugal tips!!!!
I subscribed..Thanks for your giveaway.
hNice giveaway would love to be entered. So far the only type of mail box goodies I have received are the freebies i sign up that are posted on the side of your blog. I am new to the couponing world!
I haven't had any mailbox goodies! I am new to this whole idea!! Would love to win some!!! Wow this is cool!
I forgot to post that I am also a subscriber. I love your site!
My best mailbox of goodies so far has been the $31 in savings coupon book, Celine Dion Perfume sample, box of Playtex sport, and head and shoulders sample. It is so excited to go to your mailbox and see the free stuff!! :) I have already subscribed to your blog. I received my first e-mail this morning.
I have started getting free samples in the mail so that is fun. I would love to find coupons in there. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
enter me, enter me please! kimberly at berkeley dot edu I think my favorite ... well i love anything from walmart cuz their samples are usually pretty generous!
and.... I just subscribed to your feed! kimberly at berkeley dot edu
I never win anything either, but just won 50 free cards from Baby Cheapskate. They should arrive any day now and I am so excited.
The next best thing is all the formula samples and $5 checks/coupons. They really help with a new little one.
I put your link on my site. http://ladyghost1.blogspot.com/
I just subscribed. ambernicole49@yahoo.com Thanks!
Here's the link to where I posted about your giveaway!
The best mailbox goodies I have received would have to be a full size package of diapers! They were parent's choice and came in about a year ago. ambernicole49@yahoo.com
My best mailbox of goodies was from houseparty.com - I was selected to host a party and they sent me everything - from paper plates and napkins to party favors for the guests to take home :)
Your lot of coupons sounds awesome! We would love to win. Thank you for a chance!
If you would, please enter me too! I have never done a mailbox of goodies before. thanks
Oh, enter me please! I've just started coupon clipping and am always excited to find more to add to my collection!!
My best mailbox of goodies was the free Playtex drop-ins bottle I received. It turned out that my new baby didn't want any of the bottles we had for our first, he only took to the Playtex one. It was a LIFESAVER!!!!
We would love to win and put those coupons to good use!
I've just started getting goodies in my mailbox. I'm getting mostly feminine care products with an occasional snack mixed in there. My husband just smiles when he brings the mail in. But it doesn't fool me... He's enjoying the freebies as much as I am!
Thanks for the great giveaway. I did a $100 coupon giveaway last week. I think it's a great way to share the coupons you know you won't use. I also pass along any strays that we won't use to the military coupon sites.
The only goodies I ever get in the mail are free samples, so this would be fun.
Please enter me. I just found your blog and it is really neat. I will keep exploring!
I subscribed!
...and I added your button to my blog!
The only mailbox goodies I receive are free samples.. some are great, some are okay.
Everyday almost there is something that I got for free in my mailbox !! I have one one those big ole mailboxes too !! lol I know my mail carrier hates me at times. :) great giveaway, thank you.
I never win anything either so this would be great! I did sign up for some free samples last month though so I should be getting some mailbox goodies soon.
dylanandkatherine at hotmail dot com
I am new to this, and don't have a mailbox of goodies yet, and my coupon stash is quite small. So if I win you would be my first mailbox prize. Thanks for the contest!
Anything that comes in my mailbox free is good to me. Thanks for the contest.
my fav. mailbox goodies would be the walmart samples. i save them an use them for stocking stuffers. helps when you have a large family
i subscribed to you as i didn't have enought time to look through all your ideas yet. thanks for the giveaways
I put your linkie on my blog.
My best mailbox goodies would have to be the first free samples I ever recieved. I was stoked!
I am enjoying reading about all your finds. I am new to this and am beginning to explore all the great money-saving tips out here! Thanks for your help!
I don't know if we were supposed to put each step in a separate post, but I will do it just in case. I have subscribed to your blog.
I made an entire post about your contest and added the link/button to get here!
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