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My Precious Pennies

I will be AWAY until late February as we do this moving thing...again.

Ginger from Attention Target Shoppers & Tricia from 1stopmom
will be holding down the fort in the meantime - thank you so much, ladies!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Commissary Savings of 42%!!!

I think this time I hit the big jackpot. We went to the commissary on Saturday, and I ended up saving $19.90, or 42% of my pre-coupon bill. We've never saved so much at the commissary before. Mainly, I took advantage of the Kraft free item coupons found in this past issue of All You. I bought $1 Kraft items in order to get my free item, so it was an even sweeter deal. The downside is I now have more hot dogs than I know what to do with - I've got so many I'm in my right mind to start feeding them to the dogs. I also had a Swiffer WetJet $5/1 coupon, and a Visine $3/1 coupon.

I had to make a copy of my receipt for other purposes, so I thought I'd share my receipt since I already had it on the computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I live about 45 min from our closest commissary, so I don't make it there often. That surcharge really is irritating. And then tipping the baggers....that eats into your savings! However, I'm stil thankful for the savings I do get when I'm able to shop there.

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